
Monday, 23 April 2012

From the young to the young at heart

Courtesy of my friend Dan I discovered this very cool time-lapse video - the first 12 years in the life of the editor's daughter in just a few minute. A stark reminder of how much tempus fugit.  Looking at my ever dwindling frequency of blog posts is evidence thereof... by the time I've emailed, tweeted, uploaded some pics and video, managed a few social profiles, some for me, some for organisations I am part of, pinterested... let alone done some work or glanced at a Tumblr... there's precious little time left for writing long form.

By contrast, tomorrow is Silver Surfer's Day, with events all over the country aimed at helping the young at heart build their confidence and skills in todays digital era. It's a great initiative, share the link with your parents and grandparents. We all have a responsibility to help educate those who may be less confident.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

2020 Media landscape - line up and take your bets

So the Easter news was all about Facebook buying photo sharing app/platform Instagram, just days after they finally released the Android version, but what's captured my attention more this morning is this piece by the CEO of Red Bee from the MediaGuardian Changing Media Summit 2012

Food for thought. With consumers armed with more choices about what content to consume on which device when, there's a balance to be struck between the "matching luggage" approach to multi-channel creative that was soooo late 90's / early 00's and creating screen neutral experiences that are tailored to the capabilities that eacy device can bring to the experience party.