
Monday, 9 December 2013

Windows on content... a tablet view

November skipped by without a single post here... mostly because I moved to China and I've been sharing my adventures and discoveries over on tumblr & instagram.

But that doesn't mean I've been digitally awol.. instead I've been busy embracing and exploring growing mobile social network platform WeChat...the power of which is blowing my mind as my Chinese and better connected colleagues demonstrate how they are using it to bank, shop, check in, check delivery statuses.. "shai" (share/show off) anything they eat / see / buy.

As far as I can tell everything integrates seamlessly which is more than can be said for Windows 8.1... which I had to buy with a new laptop before I left the UK, only to find to my utter dismay Dropbox doesn't work properly and I can't get my Skype Voicemail from the Windows App.  Truly appalling. Skype is owned by Microsoft for goodness sake. You'd have thought they might have got the functionality on their own platform right!

Anyway, rant over...albeit I'm going to be mightily cheesed off until that stuff gets fixed.

I've been talking / thinking a lot about mobile & tablets since I got to China... the numbers make the mind boggle and user experience is clearly part of the brilliance of well integrated executions for the platforms.  I found this interesting 360 "you decide what you see"  via the angle of your tablet project courtesy of Springwise. Smart & well worth a watch.