
Tuesday 20 November 2012

My data obsession

Conversations around data have gone from being a regular conversation in my life to almost a daily one.  First party data, 3rd party data, big data, who owns what, where the data points are, what can be fused with what, what can we model, dashboard or derive from data....   Even in the days way back when when I was working at OMD doing hands-on media planning and working with amazing econometricians, like the team that formed BrandScience, I was still further away from data than I am today.  The proliferation of data points in the digital era, the asynchronous nature thereof, and the brain power being harnessed to try and make sense of it all is amazing and challenging at the same time.

All of which was inspired by this infographic via Mashable. Data data everywhere, growing every minute... and one more blog post means I've made a minor contribution for the day before I've even finished my first cup of coffee.

(click to enlarge)

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